“A good coach can take you places beyond your dreams, in half the time & with half the pain…”


Know you want MORE in life, but don’t know where to start? Click the button to schedule a free call with Joseph & he can guide you to YOUR ideal coaching option.


From Olympic athletes to business and political leaders, the best of the best have a coach. A coach isn’t just there to help you achieve your initial goals – your coach is with you along the way, continually pushing you and your team to achieve even greater results. Through this coaching you’ll uncover and break through any limitations that hold you back and bring you into what you truly desire.

Once you engage the type of coaching you want, you will be able to:


Step into abundance in every area of your life. Better relationships because of a heart shift, more money because of a mindset change, more fulfilment because of alignment to Kingdom Purpose. You will learn how to access the abundance that has already been placed within you.


Effective leadership is necessary for any person to thrive! Build leadership skills of your own and create a roadmap for success as you learn to execute efficiently. Will the tools you will receive from coaching you will become a better leader and this self mastery will overflow into every area / element of your life


Especially in these unprecedented times we must be prepared for all kinds of unpredictable life conditions. One of the benefits of having a coach is you can be trained to thrive in hard times. Be empowered in your identity and develop capacity to overcome any hurdle you encounter.


Your life will only reflect the internal world you have created for yourself. Coaching will help you strengthen your spirit, soul, body & heart to help you build a bulletproof "inner-you". This will translate into every area of your life & you will move from breakthrough to breakthrough


The focus is on one particular area of your life that you are wanting to dramatically improve. You will learn how set goals from a foundation of freedom and actually enjoy the process of hitting them. Did you know that your chances of reaching your goals goes up by unto 95% just by having a coach or an accountability partner? I will help you make space in your life for this goal, give you tools to help reflect on your bigger picture so you can experience maximum growth as you hit this goal.

Most people don’t reach their goals because they don’t have a strong enough conviction / connection to their desired result. I will help you identify the “WHY” align it to the “WHAT”, together we will come up with the “WHEN” and I will show you the “HOW”.

You’ll get 1:1 meetings every 10-14 days and expert guidance to keep you on track for 12-16 weeks. During these meetings, you’ll set clear goals and map action plans to achieve them, break through limiting beliefs that are holding you back and identify opportunities and strategies for creating massive results.


If you have an idea that you want to engage but don’t know where to start

or your business is just starting out and need help moving in the right direction

or you have a project that you want to launch like writing a book / social media channel but feel like something is blocking you from going for it

or you want to see transformation in any area of your life like losing weight but you have tried many times and failed, these 1:1 sessions will help you create a plan that will guarantee your desired result.

“…I’ve built a social media platform to 85K followers, built a business where we made $25,000 in a month, I’ve made $500 from a 60 second social media clip, and now in the process of building an online coaching business.

I have deep friendships with good people and my marriage is flourishing. I feel closer to God than I have ever felt in my entire life…

This is a 5 ⭐️ program I wish I had been introduced to earlier!”


Learn how to bring every area of your life into alignment with God and fulfil your purpose. Kingdom understanding helps you realise that God is interested in every part of your life and if you let Him, He will power it all. Aligning to our King’s agenda makes all your work pick up a supernatural momentum and helps you live from a lifestyle of rest. Get more done in less time. Have more impact/influence with less stress and worry. Get supernatural strategies to solve problems and facilitate Heaven in all the areas of your life.

I will help you identify the bigger vision of your life and show you how it connects to God’s plan. We will look into your territories of favour, why you have that favour and how to steward it well. Then we look into your divine design, your unique wiring, your personal expression so you can freely be who God made you to be which will result in you functioning from a powerful place. God told us to “be fruitful…” before we can do and have. We will spend 12 weeks developing this “BE” while connecting it to your “DO” so that you can “HAVE”.


If you are a business owner or you run multiple organisations but aren’t sure if you are fulfilling your purpose

Or you don’t know how your current job / work is connected to God’s plan for your life

Or you feel stressed / anxious / worried all the time because you are used to hustle and grind culture that this world has taught us

Or have never learned how to source from Heaven so you carry the burden of false responsibility

Or you know there is more for your life but have no clarity on how to move towards it

these 1:1 sessions will help you develop your personal vision and see how it’s connected to God’s bigger plan so you can operate from rest, feel more fulfilled in life while knowing you are impacting eternity.

“…When Covid hit, it made my husband and I really consider our lives and the future; and it became clear that we needed to be closer to God now more than ever.

It was at this point that we discovered Joseph and the option for Kingdom coaching. In only 8 months, we feel more spiritually alive and connected to our Father. Joseph’s been able to help us unlock our own God-given gifts and abilities, which has seen us make significant changes to all aspects of our lives, including our children’s lives, our business and our marriage. His style is real and refreshing, honest and on point! His Kingdom living perspective has been the catalyst for these changes towards helping us finally align to God’s plan and purpose for our lives.


In an age where divorce is so common and most people are settling for an average marriage, I am on a mission to make marriages passionate again! I use the word passion on purpose. Passion in marriage can represent vibrancy, excitement, intimacy, enthusiasm but I am also using it to represent the willingness to lay ones life down for their spouse. You see, the origin of the word passion is actually means to suffer. Marriage is a covenant of love and there is no greater love than one which lays its life down for another.

Instead of being the expression of life between two lovers, marriage has become a glorified compromise between two roommates. Many couples get frustrated because each one feels like the other don’t understand them and are not on the same page. They think the problem is communication issues, or that they need to learn each other’s love language when in reality they have not made the effort to win each other’s heart.

I will help you look into the different elements of your marriage to help you uncover where the breakdowns, misunderstandings or misalignment may be. We will take time to confront any things from the past that may still be trying to affect your present and resolve all of it so there are no repercussions on your future. Then we will look into what your dream marriage looks like for each of you and draw up a blueprint to facilitate exactly that.


If your marriage is on the rocks, you are struggling to connect and cannot see a way out

Or you both have become comfortable with the underlying issues and have unintentionally settled for a dull / boring marriage

Or you want to spice up your marriage in every way

Or you want to explore the vision and purpose for your marriage, these 1:1 sessions will be focused on helping nurture your marriage garden so you can have trees with fruits that you truly desire.

“…Attending Joseph’s full-day intensive session was a game-changer for us as a couple! From the very beginning, Joseph created a warm and welcoming atmosphere where we felt safe to open up and trust him with our hearts. Joseph has a unique gift of spiritual insight and wisdom. He has an incredible ability to get straight to the point and help identify issues that have been holding us back from reaching our full potential.

We were amazed at how he challenged us to dig deep and discover more about ourselves and what we carry together as a couple. Joseph’s guidance and support helped us strengthen the bond between us and deepened our relationship. After our time together with him, we are more connected and aligned than before.


Can you really “have it all”?


Jesus came to bring you life and life in abundance! We will take a holistic look at your life and see if it is reflecting abundance. Using my Six Trees Framework, we will look at all the elements that make up your life. Spirit, Soul, Body, Heart, Finances & Purpose. In all my years of coaching, I have seen that most people have one or two, three trees (if they are really self-aware) flourishing in their life at any given time. Sure your business / finances are doing great but how is your body? Is it really worth it if your body and business are flourishing but your marriage is falling apart? What about the condition of your heart or your lack of purpose?

Your lack of awareness when it comes to these different elements of your being is costing you more than your realise. People usually realise when it’s too late and end up paying a price they never intended to. I will share with you the tools that have helped me and many others build a strong foundation for a holistic life. We will set up your next step with some daily practises that will be easy to follow and you will start to see changes quickly.


If you are excelling in one or two areas of your life but struggling in others

Or you are feeling like life is hard because you don’t seem to have enough time to get to everything you want to get done

Or you want to purpose your purpose but don’t know how to fit it all in

Or feel like your life is at a standstill and you are stuck

Or that your life is stale and you have lost your spark because life feels dull, these 1:1 sessions will help you rearrange life to your bigger vision. We will rearrange your life based on the things that really matter to you and start giving time / energy / your resources towards them. I will help you draw up your personal abundant life blueprint and give you tools to execute it.

“…The biggest shift for me through coaching with Joseph has been realising how unhealthy my life has been – as someone who looked like she had it all together, going 100 miles an hour, but realising how much I was not able to rest or to have peace. 

Joseph has given me tools and coaching to see another way of being, and now I see that I can have a life in Him (God) that I didn’t think I could attain.


Many times in a person’s life you they experience a situation, a challenge something that feels like a wall that is stopping them from moving forward in life. From lack of confidence, to bad situations at home or work, to feeling stuck or not having any direction in life, sometimes we need a jolt from an outside perspective to help use start moving again.

With a whiteboard, I will help you break open the blockages in your mind, identify your limiting beliefs and we will work out your next steps to help you breakthrough into your desired result.


If you are going through tough season feeling blocked in life

Or you have been through something tough and are feeling stuck not able to breakthrough

Or are lacking confidence to pursue the dreams got has put in your heart

Or just need a jolt to get moving in life again, I will help you unpack what is going on inside you and through our 1:1 session(s) we will explore you next step into breakthrough.

“…Coaching with Joseph has helped me to break free from many of my limitations and fears. He has mentored me into a better man and a more resilient person. As a result, I feel more confident in who I am and I’ve become a better communicator.

I am able to navigate relationships better than before, including my relationship with God. The greatest thing Joseph has done for me is ruin me for a life of mediocrity. He challenged me to pursue my purpose and I scored a huge win in this area by starting a Career Coaching Business which is something I’ve been sitting on for at least 6 years!

To this very day, he still challenges me and if you get coaching from this man, you cannot stay the same!


“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”. African Proverb – Martha Goedert.” Finding people who are on the same journey as you, makes the experience that much richer and actually helps you push through at times where if you were alone, you may have quit.

Join our weekly zoom calls where we cover various subjects to help you shift mindset, create good habits and develop your capacity to carry the dream God has put in you. You will also have access to all the recordings which includes over 150 hours of training which you can watch at any time you want. Along with this, you will build new connections in your battle buddy group and network with people who can potentially open doors for you that will change your life.

Build a better holistic life, develop your dreams, pursue your purpose, nurture your relationships, improve your body, make more money and much much more!


If you want to develop a better lifestyle and develop your winning edge

Or you want to build discipline for a holistic life

Or you are excelling in one or two areas of your life but struggling in others

Or you are feeling like life is hard because you don’t seem to have enough time to get to everything you want to get done

Or you want to purpose your purpose but don’t know how to fit it all in

Or feel like your life is at a standstill and you are stuck

Or that your life is stale and you have lost your spark because life feels dull, join our team as we move together to take territory and expand the Kingdom of God. Join the training sessions, get inspired, motivated and develop your personal disciple to execute everything you need to have the life that God has for you.

“…Coaching with Joseph has helped me to break free from many of my limitations and fears. He has mentored me into a better woman and a more resilient person. As a result, I feel more confident in who I am and I’ve become a better communicator.

I am able to navigate relationships better than before, including my relationship with God. The greatest thing Joseph has done for me is ruin me for a life of mediocrity. He challenged me to pursue my purpose and I scored a huge win in this area by starting a Career Coaching Business which is something I’ve been sitting on for at least 6 years!

To this very day, he still challenges me and if you get coaching from this man, you cannot stay the same!


From Olympic athletes to business and political leaders, the best of the best have a coach. A coach isn’t just there to help you achieve your initial goals – your coach is with you along the way, continually pushing you and your team to achieve even greater results. Through this coaching you’ll uncover and break through any limitations that hold you back and bring you into what you truly desire.

Once you engage the type of coaching you want, you will be able to:


Step into abundance in every area of your life. Better relationships because of a heart shift, more money because of a mindset change, more fulfilment because of alignment to Kingdom Purpose. You will learn how to access the abundance that has already been placed within you.


Effective leadership is necessary for any person to thrive! Build leadership skills of your own and create a roadmap for success as you learn to execute efficiently. Will the tools you will receive from coaching you will become a better leader and this self mastery will overflow into every area / element of your life


Especially in these unprecedented times we must be prepared for all kinds of unpredictable life conditions. One of the benefits of having a coach is you can be trained to thrive in hard times. Be empowered in your identity and develop capacity to overcome any hurdle you encounter.


Your life will only reflect the internal world you have created for yourself. Coaching will help you strengthen your spirit, soul, body & heart to help you build a bulletproof "inner-you". This will translate into every area of your life & you will move from breakthrough to breakthrough



Copyright © 2021 Joseph Wilson. All Rights Reserved.

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